How can you know if endometriosis have spread to your?

lungs and brain??

im tired of reseaching this already ALL i keep hearing is horror stories!!
can anyone near endo,please just let me know around the brain/lung thing?

and if you had a laparoscopy to remove it,how long did you grasp to feel better for?

Sore breasts, mild cramping, neg. hpt HELP!?

Hi near,
What a great question.
"In very few and far between cases, endometriosis has also been found within the skin, the lungs, the diaphragm, and the brain."

I suspect that it takes a very proactive doctor to relief you determine if it's in your lungs and/or brain, and you have to be tremendously aggressive with your doctor... ask for the diagnostic tools available. If you have a CT scan, they should know how to see the extra nodules, especially if they are bleeding. If it is mild, it would be harder for the instrumentation to detect the tissue. I'm not sure if they can use laparocopic surgery to explore your outer lungs for it.

I am scheduled to have a laparoscopy surgery subsequent month, and my girlfriend who had it told me to expect to get nouns for about 6 months to a year, as did my doctor.

I'm sorry your feeling so panicky about it. I would be too. What kind of symptoms do you enjoy that make you suspect you have it contained by your lungs and brain?

Hope this helps, and wish you dutiful luck!

I feel my ovary is going to tumble out.?

I've heard that endo can be found in other organs as economically but don't know how. I had a lap when I be 19 and was told I had endo. I be also told I shouldn't wait more than two years to have a babe-in-arms from the diagnosis. Fortunately for me, I was already married for eight months when I saw the new gyn who told me this. I be able to have three kids, one miscarried, and next ended up having a hysterectomy at the age of 29. As for awareness better after the lap, I think it be only for a few months and realized the pill made the symptoms better. Although everything go downhill not to long later and I even waited an auxiliary year before really deciding to turn ahead with a hysterectomy that was needed.

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